When someone does wrong, we scream for justice. When we do something wrong, we scream for mercy. For healing, we sometimes merely need accountability...

View the Vile
Welcome to View the Vile. A platform dedicated to exposing truly vile behaviour and calling out the disgusting. We aim to shed light on trauma-causing behavior and thus create a healthier world for all.
"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say"...
Respect is for those who deserve it, not those who demand it.
Before you cry a river - is said behaviour illegal?
Will your statement stand up to court scrutiny?
No, the world is not fair. Sad that...
Yes, sometimes people's behaviour is so atrociously disgusting, they need to be held accountable...

We don't do deformation! That's atrocious and exactly the kind of thing we oppose...
Why we don't allow fictitious names (pseudonyms) or fake profiles...
Victim of Cyberbullying or cybercrime?
Online Harassment ?
Sexual Assault ?
Choice - Like the steps we take...

Hate Speech ?
A journey of healing may start by holding people accountable.
Act and move on - write a statement of facts...
Don't poison yourself with bitterness! Life is too short and precious.
Forgiveness is easier - after accountability

Discrimination ?
Bullying ?

Theft or Fraud ?
Healing is often also a choice. What are your next steps?
Contact us to report vile behaviour or for inquiries
Someone's been abusing you and causing you trauma? Want to hold them accountable? Yes, forgiveness is important. Sometimes essential. But so is accountability. Sometimes merely holding a mirror to people's behaviour is like sticking this middle finger cactus - where needed...