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Posted by a loving and tolerant Brother - Unfortunately too tolerant. And way too generous!

Brent Gibbons was an unapologetic perpetrator of fraud, theft, vandalism, and the worst kinds of bullying.

To find out more read Transcendence by Tristan Gibbons at:


Brent Gibbons

Brent Gibbons
Brent Gibbons

Got away with attempted murder. But her husband still shot himself so maybe with murder itself? Her vandalising son Brent did not act in a vacuum...

Pride blocks grace -

She could have enjoyed her golden years with loving family and all the enjoyment grandchildren give. Unfortunately pride and spite will wrestle her to her grave. Fortunately, it won't be long before she takes her shoes off for the last time...

Antoinette Gibbons

To find out more read Transcendence by Tristan Gibbons available at:


Antoinette Gibbons
Antoinette Gibbons

Accomplice to theft and vandalism

Embodiment of racism

Her husband Brent Gibbons did not act in a vacuum...

Debatably one of the most ungrateful pieces of shit


To think I walked away from theft, fraud, vandalism and years of insults, the destruction of my business, gifting a whole farm in the hope of family healing as an act of goodwill - even to the point of telling your Bennie Sahd "I won't claim anything (when I was more than legally entitled to) "just make sure Wilemien and the girls are well taken care of..." - My words - Rather than going to police and laying criminal charges...

And thanked with even more insult, greed and theft. Goodwill used instead to wipe your arsehole.

You call yourself a fighter? dismissing my pain for 'n lekkerkry'...

You of all people like preaching "people make their choices" in the most appalling gloating language. Yet you have chosen to behave like the ungrateful racist thief I pleaded you not to be...

Wilemien Steyn - Gibbons

To find out more read Transcendence by Tristan Gibbons available at:


Wilemien Gibbons
Wilemien Gibbons

If readers wonder why care, it's because I made a huge sacrifice so my brothers' children would not be disadvantaged in life. There were no thanks which was expected. Unfortunately, instead of reflecting on behavior that led to foreseeable murder, there was a return of spite & nastiness...

This effort because so much of children's learning is from blind copying the behaviors and attitudes of their parents. Is this what I sacrificed so much for? Perpetuate and promote this kind of behavior! And racist attitudes - The nitty-gritty of why my brother was murdered...

After my brother's murder I knew for healing the only way we could move forward as a family without more pain was goodwill and kindness.

Sadly, my kindness was used as toilet paper. Returned with more spite, nastiness, greed, and insult. Viewed as weakness? - so, let's revisit the past - to clean those wounds... And some useful lessons for all of us.

We could have worked for the best of both our children. I made a huge sacrifice and effort in doing so, but the selfishness, spite and greed...

Viewers may ask why? Read the blog...

Your words were scoff and dismissal "I only fight for my children" What you mean is you only think of yourself - Sad. Because from your own lips "You won't put yourself out for 'n kind'" ('kind' being child in Afrikaans)

There was no need for "a fight". SADLY, you wanted one for an ego trip. Examine the reflection of your own behavior. Fighting is hurt, pain, blood noses, bruises, broken bones, and black eyes. You don't have a clue what a fight is. Your idea of a fight is going around spreading hurt & nastiness and getting 'n lekkerkry' from it... Sad!

In plain English, Fuck You Too...


Gloating aggressive unapologetic Stock Thief - Resides in Dewetsdorp South Africa

Izak Labuscagne

To find out more read Transcendence by Tristan Gibbons available at:


Izak Labuscagne
Izak Labuscagne
Izak Labuscagne
Izak Labuscagne

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy - This thief must NOT be forgotten...

The pain this individual has caused is immeasurable. Let him be remembered for it! Especially because of the 'groot lekkerkry' he gratified himself with.

The rest of the verse is Jesus deepening his claim that his purpose is not only tied to life, but to an abundant life. This is so true...

That "abundant" life is something more meaningful than material wealth and prosperity.

The actions of the individuals on this page, from my mother, brother, and his wife, these two DISGUSTING opportunists, and the greedy bloodlust of 'Die Wintermuskiet' and his gossiping daughter make a great case study as it magnifies human behavior that has been written about and warned against through the ages dating all the way back to biblical times...

It is merely holding a mirror to their actions. And highlighting how we all are so blind to the demonic within...

There are consequences to actions - Like stock theft! And multiple death threats! Izak and Fritz Labuscagne.

Vandalism, theft and death threats - Brent and Wilemien.

Dismissing child abuse and poisoning your husband - Mother dear.

And exposing their behavior... Woe is me - Not

Stock Thief - Resided in Dewtsdorp South Africa

Morally bankrupt piece of shit...

Fritz Labuscagne

'Die Winter Miskiet'

Kay Donian

Definition of greed - tried to get his nephew thrown in prison on a trumped up murder charge...

Local police had themselves so blinded by BS hype bouncing around their own echo chamber they even lied for this motherfucker

To find out more read Transcendence by Tristan Gibbons available at:


Transcendence at g-do.com is a crazy journey about trauma & bitterness and not just who, but what caused it - From pain, to healing & understanding. So many of us can learn from...

A Blog by Tristan Gibbons to explore, examine & expose vile behavior by morally bankrupt individuals. The journey of healing sometimes begins by holding perpetrators accountable.

And invite anyone who cares to assist with editing for a more permanent version.

For true healing sometimes a spiritual journey is needed...

I don't think we can reach that place of genuine forgiveness without it. The problem is, there can be no forgiveness without loss!

Jesus died that we all may be forgiven - for original sin? Sadly, the unnecessary trauma bestowed upon me is still very real!

To overcome the trauma, I learned and used strategies to guard the heart, clear & refocus the mind, rid demons and find happiness again - it's not therapy or antidepressants. And still a work in progress...

Life is a battle: Against our self-destructive tendencies, weaknesses and fears. Against our mortal nature and limits of time. Against bad habits and people who try to pull us down

Maybe the real battle is between hanging on and letting go... ?

Every time healing was near, another trigger and back into the abyss. When all seemed hopeless, I began to pray and upon reflection realized why. What demons were causing this trauma...? Examining the behaviour of these individuals will hopefully give us all a better understanding of the spiritual warfare Satan uses to destroy families & perhaps society at large? How she uses those close to us and how persistent the demonic is.

PS. It may be unconventional holding people accountable in this manner? If viewers think it's nasty, remember it's a reflection of not just nasty behavior, but criminal as well. I'm just a guy holding a mirror... How the individuals with their mugs posted on this page atone for their behavior is their business. It will be an interesting study for us to learn from when we explore healing. The sins: Temptation, Greed, Pride, Lust, Spite, Jealousy to name a few, and then the added crimes - all the things that make a distasteful soap opera so appealing...

PPS. Why I wouldn't bet on any 'Hofsake' - the statement must be false (if what was said/posted/published was true, no matter how embarrassing or harmful, there can be no defamation case) - extract of SA Law.

Besides, it would make great further entertainment to write about: These individuals made choices and committed criminal offenses. Disgusting crimes which caused hardship, pain, and death! My near death to. The only way they defend themselves is by lying. Shame that :(

A side note for the individuals on this page: As someone who's been churned through the high court in South Africa on a murder trial there's one thing I learned: Lawyers are good at picking fights and kicking up dust. It's what they are schooled in and make a living from so be careful who you take 'advice' from. Picking fights is not problem solving, it does not make the world a better place. The magistrates and Judges I observed over time had become so acutely aware of bullshit. They can see straight through it - from far away. It's what they deal with every day. Meaning if someone thinks they're going to take a lie to the high court, like in your case denial, they will have themselves a bloody nose. And yes, the dead don't sue...

Maybe you should pray about it - like I did... TG

This Wilemien would often be heard spouting about "common sense".

Well, here's some common sense:

Don't steal!

Don't smash and vandalize property that's not yours!

Don't swagger around insulting people for 'n lekkerkry' and

Don't pick unnecessary fights esp. with someone that has demonstrated such goodwill and kindness - for a pathetic ego trip...

That we live in an age when we need to explain the obvious...

Lawyers or anyone who cares can view copies of relevant affidavit made to police here...

When someone does wrong, we scream for justice. When we do something wrong, we scream for mercy. For healing, we sometimes merely need accountability.

And there is a difference between righteous anger and misguided rage...

Who would compile a page like this? Well, someone who's


And if you want to know what that means, ask a South African or read the blog...

So, sign up, kick back & pull out the popcorn...

"Oh, what a tangled web people weave when first they practice to deceive"...

Transcendence & g-do.com